Bolts & Quarters Quilt Shop is located at 2595 Dupont Rd. Parkersburg, WV 26101. We are located exactly 2.5 miles west of the old shop; same road, just on the other side. If driving westward on the Rt 50 Bypass, take the Ravenswood exit. Turn left and take the 2nd stop light down the 95 service rd (Dupont Rd). We will be 1/4 mile on the right. If coming on 50E take the Ravenswood exit. Turn right, and then the next left at the next light. This is the 95 service rd (Dupont Rd). If you take the Marrtown Rd Exit, come down to the 7/11 gas station. At the light, take a right, and we will be about a mile down on the left. Look for the blue building and our new signs!
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